Sunday, May 9, 2010

20 Questions about YUI

20 Questions about YUI

This is an interesting survey I did on YUI-lovers forum I give you my answers here, please visit if you want to share your answers :)

1. Would you rather have a $700 copy of Its Happy Line or $700 used Fender GA45sce
It's happy line

2. Would you rather have a Ticket to YUIs concert but no ticket to japan or a copy of YUIs promo poster, anyone of them?

3. Would you rather have YUI make another movie or an hour and a half of a new YUI concert DVD?
Movie: a comedy

4. would rather meet YUI in a coffee shop alone and no one realizes shes there or at a karaoke bar with a bunch of her friends and other ppl
Coffee shop

5. would you rather squeeze YUIs cheeks or have her squeeze yours?!
both same time

6. would you rather have YUI be impressed in what you do or find you cute or attractive?
in what i do :3

7. Would you rather have YUI break your heart or break YUIs heart?
YUI-san can break mine whenever she wants T_T

8. If YUI smoked would you find her less attractive or the same
=O don't know, smoke is bad for u!!

9. Would you imagine YUI as a mean drunk, a sad drunk, or a happy drunk and why?
Happy drunk!! she is already happy when sober =D

10. Would you rather YUI be a big nerd or a big tease?
a cute lil nerd 8-)

11. Would you rather have YUIs personal blog and email that is opend to only her closest friends or YUIs phone number?
Phone number!

12. For Halloween would u like to see YUI dressed as?
Beldandy's Goddess outfit from Ah! Megami-sama ... she'd be "Ah! YUI-sama"

13. If YUI was a boy and his name was YUtsukI and he played and sounds just like YUI would u like him more less or the same as YUI
Tough question, can't imagine YUI as a boy

14. What manga or anime would u want to be in with YUI, which characters will you guys be??
K-on! ... i haven't seen main male characters there, so i can be 'guita' XD

15. Would you rather have all of YUIs CDs, Posters, Magazines and DVDs or have a free ticket to japan and to YUIs front row concert
Front row

16. Would u rather be a Microphone at YUIs concert where she kisses you for one night or YUIs Guitar where she hugs you all the time?
Tough question #2!!!! ,,,, ..... ..... ,,, mmmmm Microphone!!

17. Would you rather have YUI kick u in the face on accident or pants you in front of a crowd
Kick me!

18. Would you want YUI to love you and end her music career or hate you and write a song about how sucky you are?
Tough question #3! if YUI-san never had a music career or end her career, i'd never met her, so option 2 T_T

19. Would you rather meet YUI when she was 8 years old or meet her when shes 88 years old?
8 of course

20. would you rather YUI be a radio host where u never know how she looks like... or a model and never learn who she is..
Both :P

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